i Can Piano Tabs - See & Play.
Copyright © iCanPiano.net 2010
How does it work?
iCanPiano Tabs works on the visual aspect of playing -- what you see is what you play!

Have you always dreamed of been
able to
play the piano?
Do you have a keyboard instrument sitting in the
closet gathering dust or a piano in your living
room calling out to you  -   PLAY ME!!!

Well - dust them off and get ready to bring them
back to life.

We have a unique method for learning to play
piano that is easy to learn and will give
you longlife pleasure.

Can’t read music?  don’t worry.

You’ll soon be playing familiar tunes that will delight you ,your family, your friends and anyone else who wants to listen -- even your neighbors :)

iCanPiano Tabs graphically tell you:
         The position of the notes on the piano keyboard.
         The hand and finger number you should play.
         How long to play each note.
                   This short video shows iCanPiano Tabs in action:
                            The circles are notes -- white for right hand and yellow for left hand.
                            The numbers are finger numbers.
                            The notes are read from top to bottom.
After playing iCanPiano Tabs for a while
you gain confidance in your playing
and this is the most important
thing on your learning

Once you experience success over and
over again your desire to play new
and harder pieces will increase.

You will have a large repertoire but
more than that: You will have the
desire to play and this is the best
present anyone can give you.

iCanPiano Tabs are designed to over come the struggle of reading
  -- the spot where
most people fail.

The iCanPiano Tabs Package includes:

                10 video lessons.
                  9 unique exercises.
                1 book with 12 music pieces.
                12 videos of the music pieces.
Using iCanPiano's unique method you will quickly learn to play
beautiful and
familiar pieces of music.
Watch a sample video from the package.
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